Adhesion crosshatch tape
Equipment reference : BGI125-2- Follows ANSI 322 5.2
- Realizes also adhesion of stripe to card
- Realizes also durability of tipping
- Realizes also the tape pull test
Adhesion crosshatch tape for smart cards
This equipment follows ANSI 322 5.2 norm.
- Easy to use
- Works with pulling angles of 60° and 90°
- Realizes also the durability of tipping(CQM TM-312)
- Realizes also the adhesion of stripe to card (CQM TM-312)
- Realizes also the tape pull test (CQM TM-B04-3)
- ANSI: 322 5.2
- In conformity with CE directives
- Dimensions: 200 x 150 x 122mm
- Weight: 0.95 Kg